Leopard Trail Booking Policy 2026

Leopard Trail Booking Policy 2026

Bookings for the Leopard Trail for hikes in 2026 onward will be made per sleeping hut, not per person.  Each sleeping hut sleeps 4 people, and there are 3 sleeping huts in total.  To secure a start date, a minimum of 2 sleeping huts will need to be booked.  If you...
Leopard Camera Project

Leopard Camera Project

We are getting trail camera’s back on the Leopard Trail – and YOU can be a part of the volunteer team. At various times in the history of the Leopard Trail we have had game cameras in the mountains, and it is time to get camera’s back on the trail. ...
A shout out to our partners at the ECPTA

A shout out to our partners at the ECPTA

10 years ago the idea of the Leopard Trail was born around a camp fire by the team at Cedar Falls.  Those sitting there were dwarfed by the night sky and the silhouette of the magnificent mountains of the Baviaans World Heritage Site Reserve – a call to create...